Oneword of Fear/Mental Disorder
one word substitution in english for competitive exams|Most Important Oneword |Govind Sir|Utkarsh Vision|IAS|PCS|SSC|IBPS|BANK
Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir
मित्रों नमस्कार
आज के इस Blog में मैं (गोविन्द सर) आप सभी सम्मानित पाठकों का दिल से स्वागत करता हूँ। इस ब्लॉग में, मैं आपके लिए लाया हूँ one word substitution in english for competitive exams दोस्तों इस Topic से Bnak,SSC,CAT,MAT Exam से लेकर Civil Service Exam में Questions पूछे जाते ।
one word substitution in english for competitive exams |
Fear of burglars |
Scelerophobia |
Fear of death |
Thanatophobia |
Fear of fire |
Pyrophobia |
Fear of foreigners |
Xenophobia |
Fear of ghosts |
Phasmophobia |
Fear of medicine |
Pharmacophobia |
Fear of children |
Paedophobia |
A delusion that one is God |
Theomania |
Fear of number |
Triskaidekaphobia |
Fear of prison |
Toxicophobia |
Fear of marriage |
Gamophobia |
Fear of work |
Ergophobia |
Fear of poverty |
Peniophobia |
Fear of disease |
Pathophobia |
Fear of God |
Theophobia |
Fear of knowledge |
Gnosiophobia |
Fear of old age |
Geraphobia |
Fear of birth |
Genophobia |
Fear of crowd |
Ochlophobia |
Delusion about one’ greatness |
Magalomania |
Fear of staying single |
Anuptaphobia |
Fear of being struck by lightning |
Astraphobia |
Fear of humans |
Fear of being dirty |
Automysophobia |
Fear of thunder and lightning |
Fear of filth |
Mysophobia |
Fear of lonliness |
Monophobia |
Fear of old memories |
Menemophobia |
Fear of motherhood |
Metrophobia |
Fear of air |
Aerophobia |
Fear of writing |
Grapophobia |
Fear of altitude |
Altiphobia |
Fear of pain |
Odynophobia |
Fear of darkness |
Nyctophobia |
Fear of eyes |
Opthalmophobia |
Delusion of being under evil spirits |
Demonomania |
Morbid compulsion to drink |
Dipsomania |
Fear of dogs |
Cynophobia |
Fear of thirst |
Dipsophobia |
Fear of males |
Androphobia |
Fear of solitude |
Autophobia |
Fear of depths |
Bothophobia |
Fear of study |
Logophobia |
Fear of women |
Gynaephobia |
Fear of getting fat makes young girl stop eating resulting in harmful effects |
Anorexia |
Fear of blood |
Haemetophobia |
Fear of pleasure |
Hedonophobia |
Fear of books |
Biblophobia |
Fear of ugliness |
Cacophobia |
Fear of travel |
Hodonophobia |
Fear of water |
Hydrophobia |
Fear of stealing |
Kleptophobia |
A compulsive desire to steal |
Kleptomania |
Fear of insects |
Entomophobia |
Fear of getting fat |
Lipophobia |
one word substitution in english for competitive exams |
आप सभी को दिल से जुड़े रहने के लिए धन्यवाद।
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Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir
यह प्लेटफार्म
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देना है।
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