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Oneword of Branches

Oneword Substitutions Of Government|Most Important Oneword |Govind Sir|Utkarsh Vision|IAS|PCS|SSC|IBPS|BANK

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

मित्रों नमस्कार 

आज के इस Blog में मैं (गोविन्द सर) आप सभी सम्मानित पाठकों का दिल से स्वागत करता हूँ। इस ब्लॉग में, मैं आपके लिए लाया हूँ Oneword Substitution 2020 दोस्तों इस Topic से Bnak,SSC,CAT,MAT Exam से लेकर Civil Service Exam में Questions पूंछे जाते । 

The science of dealing with the production control and the aplication of very low temperatures – Cryogenics

The study of caves – Spelelogy

Communication between mind by some means other than sensory perception – Telepathy 

The study of earthquakes and the phenomenon asscociated with it – Seismology

The art or method of teaching – Pedagogy

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

The study of rocks – Petrology

The arts of secret writing – Cypher

The study of cells especially their formation structure and functions – Cytology

The study of fingers prints for the purpose of identification – Dactycography

The study of origin and history of woods – Etomology

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

The study of animal life – Zoology

The study of coins and metals – Numismatics

The writiing or compiling of dictionaries – Lexicography

The study of symbolic representations - Iconology

The cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants – Horticulture

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

The study of tissue – Histology

The study of correct pronunciation – Orthoepy

The study of birds – Ornithology

The scientific study of teeth – Odontology

The raising of silk worms for the production of raw silk – Sericulture

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

The art of elegant writing or speech – Rhetoric

The technique of communication by sings made with the fingers it is generally used by the deaf – Dactyciology

The study of human population with the help of the records of the number of births and deaths – Demography

The study of the related of animals and plants to their surrounding animate and inanimate – Ecology

The study of insects – Entomology

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

The study of inscriptions – Epigraphy

The study of human races – Ethnology

The study of animal behaviour – Ethology

The study of written records ,their authenticity – Philology

The collection and study of postage or revenue stamps – Philately

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

The science of law – Jurisprudence

Treatment by sun – Heliotherepy

The art of performing acrobatics teats – Gymnastics

The science that deals with the physically history of the earth – Geology

Theaching with the add of pictures and models – Iconography

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

The treatment by the external use of water – Hydropathy

The study of ancient writings – Paleography

The study of human face – Physiognomy

The study of speech sound,production,transmission and reception – Phonetics

Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir

आप सभी को दिल से जुड़े रहने के लिए धन्यवाद।

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Utkarsh Vision Govind Sir
दोस्तों यह प्लेटफार्म  Competitive Exam जैसे IAS, PCS, SSC(CGL), SSC(10+2), SSC(GD), Railway, Police, UPSI, Lekhpal, CTET, UPTET में आने वाले सामान्य अध्ययन की तैयारी करने का निशुल्क प्लेटफार्म है अर्थात आपको कोई भी शुल्क नहीं देना है।

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